Hélène Pouliot-Cleare œuvre en éducation depuis plus de 45 ans dans le Centre – Sud – Ouest de l’Ontario et toujours dans un milieu riche de diversité où le français est la langue de la minorité.
Elle a débuté sa carrière en tant qu’éducatrice et coordonnatrice d’un service à la petite enfance, a enseigné à l’élémentaire, au niveau collégial et universitaire, a été conseillère pédagogique dans des conseils scolaires, au Ministère d’éducation de l’Ontario et à TFO chaîne de télévision française.
Elle a terminé sa carrière en tant que directrice d’école élémentaire et a eu le privilège d’ouvrir deux écoles élémentaires. Depuis sa retraite en 2007, elle travaille comme conférencière au niveau provincial, national et international. Ses propos traitent d’une grande variété de sujets liés à l’éducation enfantine et à l’apprentissage de la langue dans un milieu minoritaire,
Passionnée par l’éducation, elle aime allumée toute personne qui travaille dans des milieux de la petite enfance.
Hélène Pouliot-Cleare has been involved in education in francophone schools for more than forty five years mostly in the Center and South-West of Ontario an area where French is a minority language and where diversity provides a rich tapestry of experiences and learning. Working with English colleagues has allowed her to lead, share and learn different expertise.
Hélène started her career as an early childhood educator and coordinator in a non profit nursery school. She has taught in elementary schools, at college and university level. She has worked as a consultant for the Halton Catholic District School Board and others throughout the province. She has also worked for the Ministry of Education of Ontario and for TFO a public education television channel.
She has worked as an elementary school principal for eleven years during which time she opened two schools. In the later years, she has rekindled her love for presenting workshops at the provincial, national and international level.
Her interactive presentations always encouraging and motivational are researched base and touch a wide variety of subjects. They include early childhood development, play based learning, second language learning, implementing new programs and strategies. Passionate about education, she loves to help others discover and develop their potential.